Polmont Weather

Weather and much more from our local weather station. Click either image to visit the site

Aurora Watch

The aurora borealis (or northern lights) is a spectacular natural phenomenon which can occasionally be seen in the night sky over Britain. Once seen, it is never forgotten.

Lancaster University have a web site which allows you to monitor geomagnetic activity in real time, and will let you know when aurora may be visible from the UK. Click the image below to visit their site

Map of the Sky over Falkirk

Interactive Star Chart: take me there

Satellite Tracker

The Satellite Tracker page has details of the positions of the ISS, satellites, iridium flares and more. Click the image to visit the site. (this link is for the sky above Brightons)

Monthly Sky Maps & Notes from the BBC

Part of the MY SPACE - Amateur Astronomy section from the BBC: take me there

Safe Sunwatching

If you're thinking of viewing the Sun, your first concern should always be eye safety. Serious eye damage can result from even a brief glimpse of our star. Read the Safe Sunwatching page